What Is a Door Jamb and Why Is It Important?


A door jamb is one of the most important parts of a door frame, and yet, many people are confused about what it actually is. Understanding what sets it apart helps you to realize why it is so significant is important to your home’s safety, security, and integrity.

What Exactly Is the Door Jamb?

Many people confuse the door jamb with the casing, which is the visible, and sometimes decorative, trimming material found around the door. Door jambs are the vertical parts of the frame that hold the panel in place on either side. They are only partially visible when you view an open door, and when closed, they are not visible at all.

The door jamb on one side contains the strike plate and recess for the latch, while the one on the other side holds the mounting hinges. The sides of the door should be flush with the jambs.

What Is the Door Jamb’s Significance?

The door jamb must be strong enough to bear the weight of the door when it is hung. It must also allow the door to lock securely. This is especially important for a door to the outside, or it could allow unwanted access to your home. Both the door and the jamb must be properly installed to ensure that the panel fits snugly and there is no gapping, which could cause problems by permitting outdoor elements to get into your home.

It is also important to install strong and well-fitting door jambs on the home’s interior. Otherwise, the panels could creak, stick, or even fail altogether.

What Material Is the Door Jamb Made From?

If you are replacing an existing door jamb, your options may be more limited than if you were installing an entirely new one. Nevertheless, a door jamb can be made from several different materials. These include wood and fiberglass. Wood was once the only material available to make door jambs, and it is still a classic choice today. Fiberglass is durable and resistant to weather factors.